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from what I played, it's awesome and has great potential. though being on a lower end pc, i had frame rate issues. you could perhaps aim to add an options menu for tweaks to res and all that, maybe an option to change keybinds too

Thank you for playing and sharing feedback, much appreciated ! I do need to rework some (a lot) aspects of the game indeed. I'll get to it once my current project is out which should be soon ! Anyway thanks again :)

lo probare este juego,se ve que tiene potencial,


Muchas gracias ! I'm doing my best, hope you will enjoy it ! 

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really amazing like it

(1 edit)

Wow thanks for the kind review and the video ! It feels good (and very interesting) to see someone else playing : I spotted some bugs in your video that I wasn't aware of, so thank you for that as well ! This clinic of the dead needs a little bit more work ;) as well as the melee combat system in general. But hey, as long as you had fun and enjoyed it, I'd say that's a pretty good start !

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Really enjoyed it